About the Rambler

The Rambler is a modest but key component of a larger movement towards not only self-expression and refined artistry, but capturing the inherent quirkiness of human identity in the throes of the process of creation. The moments of delusional self-assurance, the moments where possibility overwhelms, moments of elation, deflation, frustration, prohibition and manifestation.

Our goal is to provide a platform ample and dynamic enough for academic and artistic dialogue to coexist. Not merely through the umbrella that is representationalism, but also through a network of communication whereby collective ideas are gathered, discussed, and further developed to improve not only the quality of those ideas, but to create an intellectual and artistic collective.

Meet the Ramblers

Michael Bryant II

Michael Bryant attended Mississippi College where he received a double Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature with a minor in German.

He is currently studying at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf in Comparative Studies in English and American Literature (M.A.). His focus is on Astrofuturist Anxiety in Speculative Fiction.

Michael lives in Wuppertal, Germany.

Laura Jungblut

Laura Jungblut lives in Cologne and writes fiction concerned with self location and radical futurities. They hold a Master’s degree in Literature with a focus on Indigenous Studies, researching the colonial paradigm with an emphasis on trickster theory and identity concepts. German ruralism corresponding with urban exploration shape their literary approach through various forms of text including short story and film.

Jonathan LeBlanc

A programmer analyst by trade, Jonathan writes horror and dystopian novels in his free time. He has already completed 4 manuscripts and has published one on Amazon Self-Publishing. His worldview has been uniquely shaped by 4 years living in Africa as a teenager and 5 years working in Montreal, the cultural capital of Canada. He also writes poetry and essays from time to time and tweets under the handle @therealjenloubl on X.

Hollis Meara

Hollis Meara lives near Chicago and writes fiction attending to the nature of subjective experience. Meara holds a Master of Arts in English Literature with a focus on exploring texts' experiential dimensions with Lacan.